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October 29, 2008


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Ben F. Smith

I am a white male, and I struggle every day to understand race and racism. It is inherently difficult to understand being disadvantaged in general, and experiencing racism specifically, simply because of my racial identity. It is so difficult to understand because it is largely a lived experience, denying quantification by most conventional means. If we simply look at the term "color-blindness," we find what is inherently wrong with the doctrine. It proclaims that color is not there. To not see someone's color, i.e. race, (or sexual orientation or gender) is to deny a major factor contributing to how they experience the world. One cannot toss race aside, whether they be Black, Latino/a, Asian, OR White. It is White privilege to be able to deny race, to not see it. Race is not just in the present, it is a complicated product of centuries of socio-historical context. I agree that we should strive for equal opportunity for all, but in the process we need not deny people (including White people) a part of who they are. We must endeavor to understand why race relations exist as they do in the present, which necessitates careful study of the past. This includes thoughtful consideration of what it means to be White, a process that is extraordinarily challenging for myself and many other White people because we are socialized to believe that we are not raced. We are. Color-blindness denies all of us our individual and collective heritage, and denies that race affects how one experiences the world, whether we want it to or not.

Ali Meyer

I am not arguing that we ought to ignore lessons that history shares with us, or to in any way deny that the sometimes horrific events in the history of certain races impact both their identities and their larger cultural perceptions.
Instead, my article was more forward-looking, arguing that in order to ensure equality in race relations for the generations ahead of us, we ought to instill color-blind policies; that way no race is treated differently than any other, ensuring that the troubled racial history we have experienced does not happen again.

Thanks for reading!

MBA Dissertation

Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!

MBA Dissertation

Race at the Women's Center <-- that's what i was looking for

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